Videos zum Geldsystem
• Katrin Latsch Fehler im Geldsystem, Zinskritik, Umverteilung durch Verschuldung und Zinseszins, sehr stark an Creutz und Margrit Kennedy angelehnt.
• The Secret of OZ by Bill Still, video on how the money system works
The new video by Bill Still, May 2013: Jekyll Island. The truth behind the Federal Reserve, a story about US banking, bank money and government-indebtedness to banks. Trailer > here. Orderable > here. Premiere TV video > here.
• Where does money come from? by Paul Meli
• What is money? where does it come from? and how does the money system work?
97% Owned - Monetary Reform Documentary, Positive Money, London 2012
Mittschnitte des Livestreams der Ersten Pluralistischen Ergänzungsveranstaltung zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Göttingen, 9-11 Sep 2012
• Système bancaire à réserves fractionnaires et la monnaie cent pour cent, présentation animée sous forme de feuilles comptables, par Stéphane David, 2013
• The global money system. How it works. Who enjoys the benefits, by Michael Oswald,, UK
• View videos on money and banking on the PositiveMoney website
• Money. What it is, how it works, Website run by William F. Hummel
• And Deeper in Debt…, by Steve Keen, University of Western Sydney
• Giralgeld und Reserve - Geld aus Schulden - dt. Fassungen von Money as Debt von P.Grignon
• Comprendre la dette publique en quelques minutes, pour bien comprendre d’où vient la ‘dette’